1.1 SWINDON SOCIAL ENTERPRISE NETWORK (“SSEN”) is led by members of a steering group of local people with an interest in promoting the growth of social enterprise within the borough of Swindon.
1.2 SSEN is a membership network of social enterprise organisations and individuals, associates and supporters within the Swindon area, as defined by the membership categories displayed on Swindon Social Enterprise’s website.
1.3 The membership of SSEN share a common commitment through this statement of ethical practices to promote the highest possible standards of conduct.
1.4 Adherence to the standards of conduct, competence and practice set out in this Code of Conduct (“the Code of Conduct”) are fundamental requirements of membership of the network. The Code of Conduct sets high standards for SSEN’s members.
1.5 Members accept and understand that all transactions between members are undertaken at their own risk and judgement and that under no circumstances, can SSEN or its representatives, be held responsible.
1.6 Membership of the network is currently free of charge. The SSEN steering group reserves the right at any time in the future to review this: If at any point a membership fee is introduced then membership will valid only on receipt of any annual fee payable. Such membership fee(s) will be reviewed annually by the steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network.
1.7 In the circumstance that a membership fee is introduced, the membership year will run from a point to be agreed by the steering group.
2.1 Through this Code, SSEN endeavours to ensure that the highest standards are consistently maintained amongst its members, whilst they are engaging in network events and activities and when representing the network or wider social enterprise community.
3.1 Members are required to act in accordance with the following professional values:
(a) To act collegially by sharing knowledge and experience
(b) To define in advance by mutual agreement and to abide by the terms of all business transactions among ourselves and with others
(c) To endeavour in good faith to resolve amongst ourselves any dispute that arises from our professional interactions
4.1 Members must be respectful to each other and shall not intentionally seek to damage another member’s reputation or business.
5.1 Members shall assist each other in every practical way and shall conduct themselves loyally towards their fellow members and SSEN.
6.1 The steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network deploys resources to support the day to day operations and activities of the network, including but not limited to networking events, training, engagement and consultation, business support and signposting.
6.2 Members should be aware that SSEN activities, are financed through funds held by Swindon Social Enterprise Network. SSEN attempts to develop and provide events and activities in accordance to participant needs and numbers. Accordingly, members who confirm their participation in SSEN activities, through any means; on line booking system, email, etc., are expected to participate in these activities. In the event that members can no longer attend it is expected that sufficient notice should be given to avoid a charge being applied. *
7.1 When engaging with SSEN members are expected to act with integrity in all their professional and business activities. This means acting with honesty, fairness and impartiality at all times and not allowing themselves to be improperly influenced either by self-interest or the interests of others.
7.2 Members should avoid actions or situations that are inconsistent with their professional obligations.
7.3 Members may seek advice from the steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network if faced with a situation that they recognise as being outside their own or their company’s/organisation’s experience, knowledge or competence.
8.1 Members shall maintain complete confidentiality at all times and treat any information that may come to them by virtue of their membership of the network as privileged information, not to be communicated to any third party without prior authority. They shall also require all those assisting them in their work to be similarly bound.
9.1 Members shall carry out all work entrusted to them by SSEN on its behalf, in whole or in part, with complete impartiality and shall disclose any business, financial or other interest that might affect this impartiality.
10.1 All members must commit themselves to uphold and maintain the standards set out in the Code.
10.2 A breach of the Code of Conduct or a dispute that cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the member(s) acting in good faith under clause 2.1 above, may be reviewed by the steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network.
10.3 Any member found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct may be subject to suspension or removal from membership.
11.1 Any individual or organisation shall cease to be a member on the following grounds;
(a) Found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct
(b) The member gives notice of resignation in writing to the steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network.
(c) If a membership fee is introduced at some future date: Any fees payable for the membership year remain outstanding
12.1 This Code may be amended from time to time by a majority decision of the steering group of Swindon Social Enterprise Network provided that a resolution, presented in writing, is given a minimum of 2 weeks in advance of any steering group meeting at which amendments are approved.
This Code of Conduct is a guideline and does not represent the entire scope of good conduct and ethical behaviour. Acceptance of and adherence to this Code is a condition of membership.
* From time to time SSEN meetings and events may include catering which is normally confirmed within 2 working days prior to the event. If your circumstances change without notice, the Network will incur an unnecessary cost which may be passed on to the member.