Local Charity IPSUM Fundraiser: An Evening with Derek Paravicini

Derek Paravicini at IPSUM Fundraiser

The local charity IPSUM are running a fundraising event: An Evening with Derek Paravicini.

Derek is an autistic, blind, piano playing maestro with perfect pitch.

Join them for an evening with the amazing talents of Derek in this beautiful venue: Bath Road Methodist Church, Swindon on Saturday 20th July 7 pm.

Tickets are just £15 with refreshments included.

Contact Ipsum on 01793 695405 or email admin@ipsum.care if you would like tickets.

ABOUT IPSUM: The Charity started its life in 1974 and has continued to evolve over the years.  Recently the charity was renamed from SWADS to IPSUM as this better reflects the new direction that the charity has taken. IPSUM’s core strengths are in talking and creative therapies providing the foundations upon which they developed their services.

IPSUM is a Latin word meaning ‘self’ which better reflects the charity that they are today.

Over recent years IPSUM has built on that reputation to develop a range of artistic therapies, broadening its operation to complement its core professional counselling:

  • Therapeutic Art and Music
  • Music Therapy
  • Creative Writing
  • Meditation & Mindfulness
  • Professional Training



Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill